Can you imagine a vaccine that would provide immunity against breast cancer and other adult on-set cancers, such as ovarian and prostate cancers? We Can! Dr. Vincent Tuohy and his team at the Cleveland Clinic have SUCCESSFULLY tested a safe and effective vaccine that provides preemptive immunity in animals against triple negative breast cancer and now it’s time for human trials. These planned trials are simply the beginning of a long-overdue effort to harness the exquisite power of our immune system, by instructing it to do what it is fully capable of doing: keeping us healthy and protected from adult on-set cancers.
To help with this amazing discovery, our shop is participating in Brakes for Breasts for the 6th year in a row. During the month of October, we are offering FREE brake pads to our customers. For every brake service performed, the customer will receive their brake pads for free and only pay for labor and other parts. In turn, our shop will donate 10% of that brake service to the Cleveland Clinic Cancer Vaccine Research Fund. Our donations are going strictly to research in order to continue the efforts with this vaccine for triple negative breast cancer, as well as other forms of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and possibly a host of other diseases.
Let’s get as many people involved in putting the Brakes on Breast Cancer as we can! Together, we CAN make a difference in the lives of our future generations!